Idyllwild Art Walk and Wine Tasting event brings welcome tourist return

Chain saw artist David Roy on the lift sprays a protective coat of paint on his chain saw carved bear and wildlife wooden monument in the Idyllwild town square during the Oct. 12-13 weekend Art Walk and Wine Tasting event in the mountain community. Tony Ault photo
Thousands of visitors attended the 22nd annual Art Walk and Wine Tasting Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 12-13, in Idyllwild. The Idyllwild Town Square was crowded with dozens of visitors, their children and pets enjoying the perfect weather, fresh air, art displays, music and other entertainment sponsored by the Art Alliance of Idyllwild and more than a dozen area wineries who set up booths for wine tasting in the Town Center Court.Leanna Lee, owner of the Idyllwild Bistro, guessed that her food and wine tasting venue brought in more than a 1,000 customers that day.“Look at it right now,” she said Sunday, Oct. 12, pointing to her garden patio tables which were all filled with customers. “It was fantastic.
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