Lake levels rise while residents respect social distancing guidelines at Lake Elsinore

Lake Elsinore recreational use remains open while visitors are urged to practice social distancing and wear a face cover. Valley News/Shane Gibson photo
Kim Harris Managing EditorWith more than 6 feet of water flowing into Lake Elsinore’s namesake lake thanks to heavy rains from later winter storms in March and April, residents and visitors are taking to the shores for a way to stay cool while still respecting social distancing guidelines.“The lake has remained open.” Nicole Dailey, Lake Elsinore’s assistant to the city manager, said, adding there has been no public health orders requiring the closure of lakes. “To date, use of the lake has been nominal, and most have been obliging by social distancing and cover your face guidelines.”Bob Magee, mayor pro tem of Lake Elsinore who also serves as the treasurer and secretary for the Lake Elsinore San Jacinto Watershed Authority, said that anyone visiting the lake needs
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