New Menifee Police Department earns positive response in first 30-days

“We deliver experience where people feel unified, engaged and safe” is written on the sign held by Menifee police Chief Patrick Walsh. Valley News/Tony Ault photo
The Menifee police department officers, who are young in organization but long in experience, are quickly gaining community acceptance after their first 30 days on patrol.The department has responded to a large number of calls, according to dispatch reports. While some calls are involved with serious crime, most are misdemeanors, homeless problems and array of thefts and suspicious circumstances.Police Chief Patrick Walsh said he is extremely pleased with all of his officers’ performances in the field in the first four weeks of their deployment, even with his force still 12 officers short, all of which are in background checks and expected to come on board by September.Walsh shared an example of one of his more experienced police officers’ contact with several local residen
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