Support your pet’s immune system

dog and dog food
To support overall digestive health, it’s important for owners to provide pets with a food with ingredients selected for ease of digestion. Valley News/Courtesy photo
Family Features, Special to Valley NewsUp to 70% of a pet’s immune system is contained within their digestive system.“The digestive tract has immune cells that provide surveillance and are the front-line protectors to catch potential issues when pets eat something that’s not good for them,” Michael Hayek, Ph.D., director of companion animal technical innovation for Exclusive Pet Foods, said. “Since the digestive tract is so large, these cells comprise a large percentage of the total immune activity in dogs and cats.”Encouraging owners to learn more about the importance of pets’ digestion and how it supports their overall health, Exclusive Pet Foods with the Comfort Care Digestive Health Support System has designated August as Pet Digestive Health Month. Hayek und
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