Fallbrook Land Conservancy hosts spring walk at the Los Jilgueros Preserve

Fallbrook Land Conservancy Chairman Susan Liebes, center, leads spring walk attendees Christopher Perrini, left, and Bertha Duncan through the preserve. Valley News / Christal Gaines-Emory photo
Christal Gaines-EmoryWriterThe Fallbrook Land Conservancy hosted a spring walk at the local Los Jilgueros Preserve to help raise awareness about wildlife preservation and to connect with new people who share an interest in nature on Saturday, April 17.FLC is a nonprofit dedicated to preserving the wildlife in the community, and FLC protects more than 2700 acres in Fallbrook and Bonsall including the Los Jilgueros Preserve, Monserate Mountain Preserve, Margarita Peak Preserve, and more. FLC works with different nonprofits in order to beautify and enhance the environment in the community.Susan Liebes, chairman of the FLC, planned this walk to help inform the community about the FLC and their mission, as well as to pique the interest of other community members and encourage th
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