From the Heart seeks scholarship nominations

Christina James of From the Heart Christian Women's Ministries, assists at the organization's school backpack giveaway last year. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker photo
From the Heart Christian Women's Ministries is asking local Hamilton High School seniors to apply for their annual laptop and financial scholarship awards again this year.“If you have - or are - a local graduating senior who is planning on going to college or a trade school, please message me for an application,” said Christina James, From the Heart Christian Women’s Ministries president. “It’s easy! We offer financial scholarships as well as computer scholarships.”The charitable group has been offering new laptops since 2007, and financial scholarships beginning in 2009.The women at From the Heart provide annual scholarships, backpack giveaways and holiday festivities for the children of Anza and other mountain communities.To apply, the twelfth grader may priva
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