EMWD awards environmental services contract for Calle Medusa sewer repair

The Eastern Municipal Water District board approved an environmental services contract for the Calle Medusa sewer and access road emergency repair project.The board voted 4-0 Wednesday, June 7, with Randy Record absent, to award a $125,000 contract to Helix Environmental Planning Inc. Total appropriations of $202,963, which will fund the project through the bid and award phase, were authorized, and EMWD general manager Joe Mouawad or his designee was authorized to execute necessary design contracts or other agreements.The Calle Medusa sewer provides service to approximately 700 residences in the Solana Vista, Tierra Brisa and Saddlewood homeowners association neighborhoods in the city of Temecula. The sewer alignment originates at Calle Medusa within the homeowners association neig
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