Storm team and Thunder team up to help pack July’s MilVet Care packages

Storm baseball players take a moment from their MilVet Care boxing to visit with Thunder, their mascot on the far left, Storm Fundraiser and Public Relations representative Althea Perrot and a staff manager at the Diamond Stadium. Valley News/Tony Ault photo
35 members of the Storm Minor League Baseball team, along with Thunder, their big green mascot, rallied to join more than 100 residents from the Elsinore Valley to fill 150 special care boxes to be sent overseas to members of the armed forces, protecting our nation.Leading the Storm MilVet partners in the July 22 event at Diamond Stadium in Lake Elsinore was Althea Perrot, Fundraiser and Community Relations for the baseball team who said, “Through ‘Thunder Cares,’ the charitable arm of the team, we assist the community so we are here all year long for the community to help.”She said all the money they raise from the fundraiser events is given back to the community, wherever there is a need. She added the Storm baseball team gets involved with helping the homeless and the mi
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