LAFCO approves annexation of Whitewood Condo/Apartment Project land

Riverside County’s Local Agency Formation Commission approved the annexation of the Whitewood Condo/Apartment Project land into the Eastern Municipal Water District and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. LAFCO’s board voted 5-0 July 27, with two absences, to approve the annexation of one 31.67-acre parcel. The land is currently uninhabited but has Multi-Family Residential (MF-2) zoning which allows for between 10 and 30 dwelling units per acre, and 483 multi-family dwelling units are planned as part of the Whitewood Condo/Apartment Project. Because 2.49 of the 31.67 acres will be public roads, the net area of 29.18 acres would create a density of 16.55 dwelling units per acre. The land is within the City of Murrieta east of Vista Murrieta High School on Whitewood
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