Tri County Pump to rehabilitate RCWD Well No. 151

Less than $180 separated the two responsive bidders who sought the Rancho California Water District contract to rehabilitate Well No. 151, and Tri County Pump Company was the low bidder who was awarded the RCWD contract.A 7-0 RCWD board vote Thursday, Dec. 14, awarded Tri County Pump the contract for the San Bernardino company’s bid amount of $213,510.98. General Pump Company, which is headquartered in San Dimas, submitted a bid of $213,690. Two other bids were deemed non-responsive because the companies did not submit the required bid bonds by the Oct. 26 deadline, and since Hydrocurrent Well Services had the lowest overall bid the board also formally found the Temecula company to be a non-responsive bidder. The board action also appropriated the $213,690 to rehabilitate the well.
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