ACIL elects new board of directors

The Anza Civic Improvement League, who oversees the Little Red Schoolhouse and Minor Park, has elected its 2024 board of directors. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker photo
The Anza Civic Improvement League elected their 2024 board of directors Saturday, Jan. 8.Charles Cadwell, Jazmyn McCammon, Robyn Garrison, Erin Brunson Moore, Cindy Watson and Tabitha Dawes have been elected to serve on the board by the ACIL membership. Elections for officers will be finalized at the ACIL’s Saturday, February 3 board meeting. Committees will include: Fund Raising, Membership, Events and Maintenance.It was announced that the ACIL is now a 501(C) 3 and donations are tax deductible.The Anza Civic Improvement League is a non-profit organization that provides a park with a playground for the Anza community to enjoy. The mission of the ACIL is to restore, manage and enhance the Little Red Schoolhouse and Minor Park in partnership with the public for the enjoyment o
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