T.S. Eliot letters to muse to be unveiled after 60 years

CHRISTINA PACIOLLA Associated Press After more than 60 years spent sealed up in a library storage facility, about 1,000 letters written by poet T.S. Eliot to confidante Emily Hale will be unveiled this week, and scholars hope they will reveal the extent of a relationship that's been speculated about for decades. Many consider Hale to not only be his close friend, but also his muse, and they hope their correspondence will offer insight into the more intimate details about Eliot's life and work. Students, researchers and scholars can read the letters at Princeton University Library starting Thursday. "I think it's perhaps the literary event of the decade," says Anthony Cuda, an Eliot scholar and director of the T.S. Eliot International Summer School. "I don't know of anything more await
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