City of Temecula remembers victims, heroes of 9/11

A young man holds the American flag as speakers talk of remembrance during Temecula’s September 11th Remembrance event at the Temecula Duck Pond Wednesday, Sept. 11. Jeff Pack photo
Several dozen members of the community, public safety and law enforcement gathered Wednesday, Sept. 11, for the city’s annual September 11th Remembrance event at the Temecula Duck Pond.“I remember where I was 18 years ago on that tragic morning,” Temecula Community Services Commissioner Eric Levine said. “No one could imagine then how those moments would change life in America forever. It started as a typical day folks preparing for or headed off to work, students going to school and then the news about American Airlines Flight 11 crashing into the World Trade Center. Seventeen minutes later, United Flight 175 crashed there too. Just when it seemed it couldn’t get worse, American Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. I never thought I’d see our country under attack. Life wou
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