SRPNEF honors sponsors and volunteers for helping the Santa Rosa Plateau’s nature education programs

Flamenco guitar duo Carson and Clark entertain for the guests at the Sunday, Sept. 22, Santa Rosa Plateau Nature Education Foundation sponsor and volunteer thank you luncheon at La Cresta’s Plateau Vineyards. Tony Ault photo
Santa Rosa Plateau Nature Education Foundation took time Sunday, Sept. 22, to honor its 2019 sponsors, volunteers and supporters for another successful year in promoting student nature stewardship at the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve.The appreciation dinner was held at Plateau Vineyards, 20170 Sierra Soto Road, in Murrieta’s La Cresta area, near the 9,000 acre Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, recently scorched by the Tenaja Fire.Despite the fire that destroyed the SRPNEF’s summer concert series stage and equipment, the guests learned that plans are underway to rebuild the stage in time for the 2020 SNPNEF Summer Concert series with fundraising events soon to be
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