10 Things to Know for Today, Oct. 3

Associated Press Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today: 1. TRUMP, DEMOCRATS A STUDY IN CONTRASTS IN PROBE The president turns to name-calling and foul language as he defends himself from the impeachment inquiry, while House Democrats quietly vow new subpoenas for documents and witnesses. 2. HOW IMPEACHMENT VETERANS VIEW CURRENT INQUIRY Republicans who carried out Bill Clinton’s impeachment in 1998 are urging caution and restraint as Congress embarks on yet another impeachment struggle. 3. WHITE HOUSE SHIFTING TO PRIVATIZE MIGRANT CHILD DETENTION The Trump administration is shifting care of some migrant children from religious nonprofits to the private, for-profit sector, AP finds. 4. HOUSE PANEL TAPS STARTUP FOR FAC
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