Big pharma: A monster which needs to be tamed

Opinion section
Valley News - Opinion
Millions of people were outraged in 2015 when Turing Pharmaceuticals raised the price of a 62-year-old drug that is considered the gold standard in the treatment of a life-threatening parasitic infection from $13.50 to $750 overnight, a 5,000%-plus increase. Likewise, the cost of the drug cycloserine, which is used to treat multidrug resistant tuberculosis, jumped from $500 for 30 pills to $10,800 after its acquisition by Rodelis Therapeutics. We also learned of the soaring cost of EpiPen as well as price increases ranging from 200% to 500% for two life-saving heart treatments manufactured by Valeant of Canada, the nation that is the Promised Land to advocates of single-payer health care. In one especially notable case, Questcor Pharmaceuticals raised the price of a multiple sclerosis drug
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