Murrieta Mesa High School welcomes American Federation of Speedball as official club sport

Murrieta Mesa Principal Steve Ellis shakes the hand of Waleid Hanna, the founder of the United States chapter of the American Federation of Speedball. Also pictured is club adviser, Amy Leigh Vollmar and student Giovanni Hanna. Courtesy photo
The president of the American Federation of Speedball Waleid Hanna recently connected with Murrieta Mesa High School as the sponsor of the school’s new Speedball Club. The sport of speedball is being introduced to America by Hanna as the U.S. founder. The game is essentially a combination of tether ball and tennis, requiring the mastery of both hand and eye coordination. Developed in the 1960s, speedball has grown to become an international sport embarking on its 31st World Championship Games with over 25 countries being represented.Murrieta Mesa’s Principal Steve Ellis, along with the club adviser Amy Leigh Vollmar, student Giovanni Hanna and Waleid Hanna, signed the paperwork for the official school club last week, making them the first American high school to start a club for
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