Jojoba Hills hosts community yard sale

Kitchen wares and small appliances are on display at the 23rd annual Jojoba Hills Community Yard Sale Oct. 11-13. Diane Sieker photo
The Jojoba Hills SKP Resort’s 23rd annual Community Yard Sale was held Oct. 11-13 in Aguanga, featuring donations from resort residents.Held the second weekend of October every year, the RV community’s annual sale was first devised and organized  in 1996 by resort resident Gary Hagelbarger.“All donations come from the park members,” Hagelbarger said.This year the community sold clothes, jewelry, tools, electronics, sports equipment, collectibles, books, craft supplies, furniture, kitchen wares, linens, appliances, pet items, bicycles, TV accessories and more.“We call this a community service, and the stuff left over goes to charitable organizations,” Hagelbarger said.The sale
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