Remember these starter supplies for small pets
TEMECULA – Cats and dogs may get much of the attention, but small pets can bring just as much to a household as their larger counterparts. Diminutive in size but not personality, hamsters, guinea pigs, ferrets, reptiles, mice, and more may be just the right fit for those who desire a pet, but may not have the space or money for larger animals.The American Pet Products Association’s 2017-2018 National Pet Owners Survey found that 7.9 million households had birds, 6.7 million had various small animals and 4.7 million included assorted reptiles. The pet sitter company PetBacker said 9% of Canadians own pets such as fish; birds; small mammals, such as hamsters, and reptiles. They may be smaller in size, but these pets still need a variety of gear.Consider their environment.Most