Rep. Raul Ruiz tells story of local teen critically injured by vaping, fights for legislation to address youth vaping epidemic
WASHINGTON – Democrat Rep. Raul Ruiz, M.D., of California spoke Wednesday, Nov. 13, on the nationwide youth vaping epidemic. Recently in Desert Hot Springs, Zane Martin, 15, was hospitalized for over a month with a life-threatening illness from vaping. Ruiz visited Martin in the hospital last week and is working to combat the youth epidemic of vaping through legislation that would require harsher penalties to stores that sell tobacco to underage children, require clear labeling of vaping devices and prohibit devices that are geared toward children, like e-cigarettes designed to look like candy.“The dangers from vaping are real and can be devastating, especially when companies gear their flavors and devices to teens and make them easily available to our youth across the country,”