Handwashing fights infection

The science behind washing hands paints a pretty strong picture of just how beneficial this particular component of personal hygiene can be. Courtesy photo
TEMECULA – There are many ways to avoid infection, but few might be as simultaneously simple and effective as handwashing.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, keeping hands clean is one of the most important steps a person can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. While skeptics might question just how big an impact handwashing can have, the science behind washing hands paints a pretty strong picture of just how beneficial this particular component of personal hygiene can be.How germs get people sickThe CDC said that feces from people and animals are considerable sources of germs, including salmonella and E. coli. These germs can get onto people’s hands after they use the toilet or change a diaper. People who handle raw meats also
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