Repaving streets, better bike and pedestrian safety discussed by San Jacinto City Council

The San Jacinto City Council discussed and approved $1,235,558.95 for the rehabilitation of streets and sidewalks in 14 different neighborhoods and accepted recommendations how to keep bicyclists and pedestrians safer on the city streets at their Nov. 19 meeting.The council with Councilmember Crystal Ruiz excused, awarded the street and sidewalk rehabilitation project to American Asphalt South Inc. who was the lowest of four bidders. The $1.2 million project, with 15% contingency for construction and soft costs, includes the installation of crack seal, slurry, grind and overlay of asphalt roadway.City engineer Stuart McKibbin said the bids were opened Nov. 12, ranging from $1,235,558 to $1,619,086. American Asphalt, the low bidder, has done other work for the city and other agencie
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