Carlson wins two LASC grand champion awards

Hemet llama and alpaca owner Barbie Carlson takes a picture with gray llama Smokey, middle, which received the llama Grand Champion Masters Performance distinction at the Llama Association of Southern California banquet, Nov. 2, in Redlands, and white alpaca Lincoln, front, which received the Grand Champion Alpaca Performance honor, and Abraham, back. Courtesy photo
Hemet llama and alpaca owner Barbie Carlson received two grand champion awards at the Llama Association of Southern California banquet, Nov. 2, in Redlands.Carlson was given the Grand Champion Masters Performance award for llamas in that division and the Grand Champion Alpaca Performance award.“These awards are handler awards,” Carlson said. “It’s based on the points that I accumulate over the year.”That means that if the same llama or alpaca is shown by multiple handlers during the show year, which is from January through October, the animal’s total points are split among the handlers. If the same handler shows multiple animals in a class, however, the handler points for purposes of the season-end awards are only for the highest scoring animal. Carlson won the llam
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