Big Pharma empire behind OxyContin now selling overdose cure

CLAIRE GALOFARO and KRISTEN GELINEAU Associated Press The gleaming white booth towered over the medical conference in Italy in October, advertising a new brand of antidote for opioid overdoses. "Be prepared. Get naloxone. Save a life," the slogan on its walls said. Some conference attendees were stunned when they saw the company logo: Mundipharma, the international affiliate of Purdue Pharma — the maker of the blockbuster opioid, OxyContin, widely blamed for unleashing the American overdose epidemic. Here they were cashing in on a cure. "You're in the business of selling medicine that causes addiction and overdoses, and now you're in the business of selling medicine that treats addiction and overdoses?" asked Dr. Andrew Kolodny, an outspoken critic of Purdue who has testified again
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