Christopher Freel Jr. devotes time to local youths

Veteran Christopher Freel Jr. coaches young soccer athletes in Anza. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker photo
Christopher Freel Jr. is a father and husband, cowboy, horse trainer, coach and Marine. The Anza resident assists the local soccer and High Country Recreation organizations with teaching and coaching young athletes. He was inspired to join the military from a young age, he said.“My entire family served in the military, as far back as my grandfather, who served in the British Royal Air Force and was a prisoner of war in Japan during World War II,” Freel said.He joined the Marine Corps Feb. 7, 2010, and was discharged June 7, 2014.Freel trained to become a helicopter mechanic, inspecting and maintaining helicopter airframes and airframe components and performing duties related to flight line operation.“My military occupational specialty code, or MOS, was 6114. I was a p
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