Reduce the grocery bill with these simple tips

Keep to a budget by focusing on how much is being spent on food. Courtesy photo
TEMECULA – Expenses for the average household can pile up quickly. One of the easiest ways to keep a budget in check is to focus on how much is being spent on food. Chances are grocery bills can be reduced dramatically without upsetting daily routines.A 2012 Gallup Poll found the average American family spends $151 a week on food. Cutting food costs often involves making smart choices. The following are some tips to help get started on the path to decreased food spending.Make more meals at home. Although there are plenty of budget-friendly options at area restaurants, the average price for one meal enjoyed in a restaurant is still much more than the cost of cooking the same meal at home. Incorporate more home cooking into the mix and save.Shop for sales. Rather than pla
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