Your bank account could be fueling crime

Aaron Cole and his family stand in front of the home that was nearly taken from them by online fraudsters and money mules. Photo courtesy of Melissa Toledo for WFG
Money muling is illegal and helps criminals WASHINGTON, D.C. – Like many Americans, Aaron Cole and his wife had been able to save up a nest egg through the rising value of their home. But after six years there and the births of their two children, the Oregon couple decided to sell and use the equity they had built up to purchase a slightly larger place.After they had sold their current home, Aaron Cole received word that his title company would be in touch soon with the wire instructions for sending the down payment required to close on the new house. When an email arrived Dec. 4, 2018, from what appeared to be the title company, Aaron's wife went to the bank and sent $122,850 to the account number provided in the message.A few days later, the title company called to tell Aa
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