Incoming Board of Supervisors chair: ‘Lot of issues to prioritize’ this year
RIVERSIDE (CNS) - Riverside County Supervisor Manuel Perez on Tuesday took the helm as board chair, receiving unanimous support for placement in the position, which is rotated annually among members."It's an honor and a blessing for me to be here," Perez said after taking his seat at the center of the dais. "Riverside County is my birthplace. I am a product of UC Riverside. I am proud to be the first Latino on the Board of Supervisors, and the first to serve as its chair.''Perez acknowledged the "many reforms" inaugurated by his predecessor, Supervisor Kevin Jeffries, who at seven years representing the First District, is currently the most seasoned member of the board.Perez, who represents the Fourth District, encompassing the Coachella Valley and all parts east to the Arizona