Ribbonwood Art Guild Winter Art Show a huge success

Chris Norrid, frontman for the popular Crazy Creek Band, belts out crowd favorites at the Ribbonwood Art Guild Winter Art Show at the Emerald Creek Winery Saturday, Jan. 25, and Sunday, Jan. 26. Anza Valley Outlook/Diane Sieker photo
Friendly faces, beautiful artwork, lunch, professional musical entertainment and fine local wines were the theme of the weekend for those attending the Ribbonwood Art Guild Winter Art Show at the Emerald Creek Winery in Warner Springs.The show was held Saturday, Jan. 25, and Sunday, Jan. 26, in the winery tasting room.Over a dozen Ribbonwood Art Guild members were on hand, displaying their crafts, acrylic works, watercolor paintings, pen and ink renderings, sculpture, woodwork items, jewelry and more. Artistic pieces were offered for sale as well as for display. Dozens of art fans left the event with treasures in hand.Rosie Grindle exhibited her equestrian-themed paint
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