Anza Electric Cooperative offers free Wi-Fi at their office during COVID-19 crisis

Diane Sieker photo
ANZA – To make quality internet access available to those that may not yet have it, Anza Electric Cooperative Inc. made free Wi-Fi available in their front parking lot.“We understand that some of our members do not yet have access to ConnectAnza service,” Kevin Short, general manager of AEC, said. “Regretfully, we have been forced to restrict our employees from access to members’ homes during the pandemic for everyone’s safety, which limits our ability to continue ConnectAnza deployment. For those able to drive to our office, this service will remain free for the duration of the crisis.”To access this service when in the AEC parking lot, direct the browser to the network named “ConnectAnzaOpen.” No password is required.For more information, visit https://www.a
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