91 Freeway lanes set for closure during bridge repairs next week

RIVERSIDE (CNS) - Lane closures are planned next week on the Riverside (91) Freeway to permit crews to repair an overpass in Riverside that was damaged when it was struck by a truck. According to Caltrans, the work will be concentrated on the eastbound 91 on the nights of April 20-25, between McKinley and Pierce streets. District 8 spokeswoman Terri Kasinga said crews will be making repairs to the underside of the Buchanan Street overcrossing, from which pieces were knocked loose from a ``high hit load.'' Between 7 p.m. and 4 a.m., Monday to Saturday, at least three lanes will be out of service on the eastbound side. During the latter hours of the closure, four of five lanes will be shut down, Kasinga said. ``All traffic will be permitted to use the HOV lane during the lane closures,''
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