Dorland artists to open online art gallery, seeks donations

Dorland Mountain Arts Colony, which is seeking entries for its virtual art gallery opening in May, is located in the hills above Temecula. Valley News/Courtesy photo
Dorland Mountain Arts Colony, the place for accomplished artists to find a place to feed their creative spirits for decades in the hills above Temecula, found the COVID-19 pandemic is seriously affecting them.“Spring is a time that flourishes with the abundance of hope, creativity and beauty. It is usually a time for us to welcome resident artists. However, due to the crisis and for the safety of all, we’ve had to temporarily close our doors to residents. This forced closure has shut off income that is vital for our survival,” executive director Janice Cipriani-Willis and board president Curtis Horton of the artists’ colony said.The arts colony has been asking artists and longtime supporters of the colony to help financially as they try to replace $45,000 in lost revenue du
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