CIF Southern Section set to distribute broadcast revenue to member schools

Over $100,000 will be distributed to the CIF Southern Section member high schools as part of their Broadcast Rights Revenue Program. Valley News/Courtesy photo
The CIF Southern Section offices announced recently that they will be distributing $134,750 to 102 of their member high schools as part of their Broadcast Rights Revenue Program.“This represents an increase of 4% over last year’s revenue and a 379% increase over the 14 years since the CIF Southern Section group started this program,” Thom Simmons, assistant commissioner of CIF Southern Section, said.In total, the section has returned nearly $1.2 million to member high schools through this initiative. In the 2019-2020 school year, 592 contests were either livestreamed or shown on broadcast television. That represents an increase of 14% over last year and a 326% increase in live game exposure for the student-athletes, their fans and followers since the program’s inception dur
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