Surging US virus cases raise fear that progress is slipping

TAMARA LUSH, NATHAN ELLGREN and TAMMY WEBBER Associated Press ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — Alarming surges in coronavirus cases across the U.S. South and West raised fears Monday that the outbreak is spiraling out of control and that hard-won progress against the scourge is slipping away because of resistance among many Americans to wearing masks and keeping their distance from others. Confirming predictions that the easing of state lockdowns over the past month and a half would lead to a comeback by the virus, cases surpassed 100,000 in Florida, hospitalizations are rising dramatically in Houston and Georgia, and a startling 1 in 5 of those tested in Arizona are proving to be infected. Over the weekend, the virus seemed to be everywhere at once: Several campaign staff members who he
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