SRCAR Scholarship Foundation awards 25 scholarships to local high school seniors

SRCAR Scholarship Foundation presents 25 $1,000 scholarships to southwest Riverside County students who will be continuing their education in the fall. Valley News/Courtesy photo
MURRIETA – For over 30 years, Southwest Riverside County Association of Realtors has been awarding scholarships to qualifying and deserving local high school seniors. On any given year, up to 30 scholarships are presented to students in southwest Riverside County who are continuing their education.This year, SRCAR Scholarship Foundation presented 25 awards of $1,000 each to local students who will begin school in the fall, including Francois Atallah, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Caden Bastman, Grand Canyon University; Jessica Bruce, Riverside City College; Lauren Carey, University of California Riverside; Alexandra Castillo, University of California San Diego; Alicia Crewse, California State University Sacramento; Zachary Cutka, San Diego State University; Collin Dang, Penns
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