New York Times stalks Tucker Carlson, family afraid again

Harold Pease Ph.D.
Harold Pease, Ph.D.
Harold Pease, Special to the Anza Valley OutlookAt the close of the cable news show “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” July 20, Carlson had the strangest ending that I have ever heard a news anchor announce. I could feel his fear for his family.It began normally.“Well, all of a sudden the media have ripped off the mask, and they’re supporting violence as a political tactic,” he said. “They spent the last few months describing the riots as mostly peaceful. It provided cover for rioting. They’ve watched conservative speakers shut down; their families harassed.”I have published similar sentences describing the deep state, establishment media coverage of the law and order issues of today.Next, he apologized for referencing himself.“Since the show began almost f
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