TVUSD requires proof of enrollment for grab-and-go meals after rush from outside district
The Temecula Valley Unified School District has made some adjustments to its grab-and-go meal distribution after it was overwhelmed with demand in September, a problem district officials said was exacerbated by families from outside the district driving in to receive food from TVUSD campuses.As of Monday, Sept. 21, families can collect free meals from all six TVUSD middle school campuses for all students enrolled in the district and their siblings under the age of 18, as long as proof of enrollment is shown.Enrolled students do not have to be present to receive meals, but non-enrolled siblings must be, according to TVUSD.Meal collection is only available Mondays between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; families receive five days’ worth of breakfast and lunch for the week.The week befor