Owners of Black Lives Matter stand in Murrieta say they continue to be harassed

The Grant family sells Black Lives Matter merchandise at the intersection of Winchester and Hunter roads near Murrieta, Sept. 24. The family say they have been subjected to harassment from individuals at their booth location. Valley News/Shane Gibson photo
The owners of a stand selling Black Lives Matter masks, T-shirts and other wares at a Murrieta intersection said they are continuing to be the targets of harassment, even after receiving media attention at the end of September.The grandson of the woman who opened the stand said not only has he seen passing motorists shout racial slurs, but unknown vandals have gone so far as to smear feces in the area around the stand and leave nails to damage vehicle tires.Esther Grant told NBC Los Angeles, Sept. 23, that she opened the stand in June to promote racial equality and to raise money for a youth center for disadvantaged children she hopes to start but ran into plenty of hate.Her grandson said while some of that hate has let up since making the news, it definitely has not gone away.
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