Water rate changes and purchase of Murrieta Hot Springs property presented to Murrieta City Council

Murrieta City Council members viewed a presentation from Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District community affairs supervisor Bonnie Woodrome explaining potential changes to water rates at its regular meeting on June 1.Her overview explained that 157,000 customers are served in a 97 square mile area with 45,580 domestic water connections, two drinking water treatment plants and 150 recycled water service accounts.A virtual public hearing on the subject of a proposed 5.1% rate increase, effective Jan. 1, 2022, is scheduled for June 24 at 6 p.m. Mailers have been sent to residents that would be affected by the rate change. Woodrome detailed cost impacts that led to the decision. Imported water from the Colorado River and Northern California costs ($4.2 million), electricity/energy c
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