The guy everyone’s dying to meet

Zachary Elliott Special to Valley NewsMy family and I were at the Ritz-Carlton in Laguna Niguel. No, we weren’t staying there. We were camping in tents down the street with some friends. We were bored one day and thought it would be fun to walk into the Ritz and act like we were guests.It was pretty cool and way beyond our league. But it was nice to pretend. (And if you ever decide to crash the Ritz-Carlton, the snack shop inside has chocolate chip cookies that are to die for.)As we toured inside in all our camping glory, I recognized a well-known pastor my mom used to watch on tv in the 80s and 90s. Since I never had the privilege of meeting him, I went up and introduced myself. We chatted for a few minutes, and, of course, we took a selfie.To be honest, I was pleasantl
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