Supervisors approve dispatch and communications services agreements with Cahuilla and Soboba

Diane Sieker photo
Two 5-0 Riverside County Board of Supervisors votes Aug. 17 will provide dispatch and communications services for Indian reservation fire departments.The agreement with the Cahuilla Band of Indians covers a one-year period from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022. The agreement with the Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians is for a four-year period from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2025. The Riverside County Fire Department will provide the dispatch and communications services to the reservations.The Cahuilla fire department had not previously contracted with the county for dispatch and communications services. The Soboba tribe has contracted with the county since 2014.The reservations will be charged based on the number of tribal fire stations and jurisdictional calls. The Riverside Co
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