CIF Southern Section boys water polo watch list released

Temecula Valley is one of three Southwestern League teams that made the watch list in the CIF Southern Section boys’ water polo coaches polls. Valley News/Courtesy photo
With an almost two-year hiatus, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, boys’ water polo players are eager to see if they will sink or swim in the standings as their fall season gets underway. Top programs like Chaparral and Temecula Valley, out of the Southwestern League, look to be contenders again this year, as well as Murrieta Mesa.As the new school year sets in, many local teams are going to have to embrace the challenges ahead with playing through the unknown circumstances surrounding the current landscape provided by the coronavirus pandemic. Of course, with the recent release of the 2021-2022 CIF Southern Section Watch List, as selected by the CIF-SS Boys’ Water Polo Advisory Committee, the excitement in the valley is surely mounting.Heritage High School also looks to match their
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