Dorland artists reception held at The Merc in Old Town Temecula

Dorland Arts Colony Artist Noreen Ring proudly displays her art pieces “Her Red Dress” and the imaginative “Pleiades: Seven Sisters Planning Their First Sin” at the Dec.11 artists reception at The Merc in Old Town Temecula. Valley News/Tony Ault photo
30 mixed-media art pieces on display Dorland Associated Artists gathered for a reception Dec. 11, at the Merc Gallery in Old Town Temecula where they are showing off some of their best works in visual arts through Jan. 2, 2022, that is now open to the public.The special event is held once a year at the Old Town Gallery and Theater, 42051 Main Street, and sponsored by the Dorland Mountain Arts Colony just outside of Temecula at 36701 Highway 79.Attending was artist Noreen Ring, a Dorland Board Member and Janice Cipriani-Willis, executive director of the colony. Ring said there are 15 Dorland artists displaying some of their artwork. Each artist was allowed to display two of what they considered their best pieces. There was one sculpture on display at the entrance of the Merc and th
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