Jury finds felon guilty of gunning down Menifee youth coach
MURRIETA (CNS) - A convicted felon who gunned down a Menifee youth
basketball coach because he believed the man had stolen drugs from him was
convicted today of first-degree murder.A Murrieta jury deliberated three days before finding Othelon Dale
Lyons of Los Angeles guilty of the June 2019 slaying of 38-year-old Claudell
Garland Walter. The panel also found true a special circumstance allegation of
lying in wait.Lyons is expected to receive life in prison without the possibility of
parole when he's sentenced by Riverside County Superior Court Judge Timothy
Freer on April 15 at the Southwest Justice Center.
Lyons is being held without bail at the nearby Byrd Detention Center. Jury deliberations began Wednesday and continued Thursday, with a break for New Year's, then resum