The Winery Review: My favorite Temecula wineries for 2021
The Mystery WinoSpecial to Valley NewsMerry Christmas and Happy New Year, fellow grape nuts. For all of 2021’s difficulties and unhappy surprises, at least it wasn’t as difficult or as unhappily surprising as 2020. Here’s hoping that 2022 continues this upward trend. I think most people are ready to say good riddance to masks, mandates, shutdowns, shortages, social distancing and endless conversations about vaccines.Let’s just pray that normalcy returns before the wine runs out.To commemorate my first six months as the Mystery Wino, I’ve selected my favorite local wineries and wines of 2021. I confess that I was unable to visit all 50 wineries over the past year. Still, I’m confident I can guide you to those best suited to your particular desires.One theme I