Rotary club seeks high school students for invitational music competition showcase

Rod Tankerson, musician, producer, songwriter and owner of MVI Productions Inc., will host an invitational music competition showcase sponsored by San Gorgonio Pass Rotary, Thursday, Feb. 24. Valley News/Courtesy photo
High school students who reside within Riverside County are invited to compete at an invitational music competition showcase sponsored by San Gorgonio Pass Rotary Thursday, Feb. 24, at 6 p.m.It is the first step for musicians and vocalists who are being encouraged to compete in the 22nd annual Rotary Music Competition which provides an introductory platform for high school musicians to perform and for many, to advance their career opportunities.Program director Rod Tankerson will host the first level of competition at the Banning Woman’s Club, 175 W. Hays St., in Banning. Entrance fees are waived. As founder of MVI Productions Inc., Tankerson said he is eager to provide opportunities for youth to share their musical talent. Due to restrictions during the pandemic, the competition
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