Girl Scout cookie season is in full swing

A sign helps direct buyers to the Girl Scout cookie sales booth at the Anza Valley True Value hardware store in 2020. Anza Valley Outlook/Courtesy photo
Girl Scout cookies have arrived and fans in Anza are searching out every variety. Local Girl Scouts are working to fill the landslide of orders.The Girl Scouts are selling cookies in person and various locations and are also accepting orders online on the Girl Scout website.Charlotte McGraw, a 10-year-old fourth grader, said her goal is to sell 1,500 boxes of the popular treats.“This is her fifth year in a row selling, and I am so proud of her tenacity and dedication,” her mother Katie McGraw said. “She and her troop hope to take a trip to the space museum in San Diego with their reward money.”Charlotte said she welcomed online sales and also sells cookies by the lower Lake Riverside Drive gate twice a week in Lake Riverside Estates. She delivers to porches on the w
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