County to advertise for Soboba Street resurfacing bids

Riverside County will be advertising the Soboba Street resurfacing project for bid.The county Board of Supervisors voted 5-0 Tuesday, April 12, to authorize the advertisement for bids. The supervisors’ action also approved the plans and specifications for the East Hemet resurfacing, set a Wednesday, May 4, bid opening date and found the resurfacing to be categorically exempt from California Environmental Quality Act review.The project will resurface approximately 1.2 miles of Soboba Street from Stetson Avenue to Florida Avenue. Soboba Street varies in width from 26 to 51 feet, and the county’s general plan classifies Soboba Street as a secondary highway.The deteriorated pavement created the need for resurfacing which will include both hot mix asphalt and rubberized hot mix
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