The Winery Review – Ponte Winery

The Ponte Winery Tasting Room located at 35053 Rancho California Road in Temecula's wine country. Valley News/Shane Gibson photo
The Mystery WinoSpecial to Valley NewsEveryone has their own priorities when it comes to getting the most out of a day of wine tasting. I prefer small to medium-sized wineries that offer a less crowded, more intimate experience with a focus on winemaking. Sometimes, however, there is no substitute for a resort-style winery that has it all – full-service restaurant, pool, spa, conference rooms, hotel, bar, gift shop and a vast selection of serviceable wines. Only two places in Temecula check all those boxes, and they happen to sit right next to each other on Rancho California Road: South Coast Winery and Ponte Winery. This week, I’m visiting the latter.The BackgroundClaudio Ponte and his brother Roberto began farming grapes in Temecula in 1984. In fact, the Ponte family
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