EMWD allocated $10,517,200 of county ARPA infrastructure money

The Riverside County Board of Supervisors had previously allocated $82 million of American Rescue Plan Act revenue for infrastructure projects. The county supervisors allocated $10,571,200 of that for Eastern Municipal Water District capital improvements Tuesday, May 17.The supervisors’ 5-0 vote authorizes the county’s Executive Office to sign a funding agreement with the Eastern Municipal Water District and authorizes the $10,571,200 for three specific EMWD projects. The funding will provide $5,011,200 for the Northern Wine Country Sewer Rancho California Road Phase II project, $4,120,000 for the Southern Wine Country Sewer De Portola Road/Anza Road infrastructure and $1,440,000 for the Mission Canyon II pump station replacement.The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 included $3
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